Tell Out of the Cup Game


Tell Out of the Cup Game

Activities that can be done at home can be evaluated for 7-8 years old as well as within the scope of pre-school activities. In fact, according to the information from the parents, it is very preferred among the games played at home for 8 years old. The whole family should participate in this game, which is one of the most beautiful home activities. The more crowded it is, the more fun it will be.

Prepare a large glass for this game. Then, each player who will participate in the game write various words on tiny papers and pour them into the glass. After the last person has thrown the word papers into the glass, your child will take the glass and choose a piece of paper from it. Have the other players silently explain the word on the paper. Let the other players explain in turn. At the end of the game, a small prize can be awarded to those who get the most points.

tell me what comes out of the glass game

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