The Importance of Preschool Education for Child Development Should Not Be Underestimated
he Importance of Preschool Education
The period that the child goes through from the time he opens his eyes to the world until primary school (0-6 years) is a period in which he has an important place in his later life, his physical, psycho-motor, social-emotional, mental and language development is completed to a great extent, his personality is formed and the child is constantly changing.
Therefore, child development is of great importance for the continuation of development in a healthy and safe environment from a young age.
The place of school and family in children's education
In the process that starts with the child's infancy, the right and wrong concepts, behavior-etiquette and moral rules and the fact that the child is a part of the society are first given to the child by the family. Children's education begins in the family. In the following process, the kindergarten begins to undertake this task, and both the family and the school continue in parallel.
The learning process in children
The learning process begins with the birth of the child. In the preschool period of 2-6 years, when learning is so obvious, children develop both mentally and emotionally while preparing for primary education. In addition, during this period, children learn to share, to exist individually in the group, to socialize and to work together.
Why should I send children to school?
As the child develops and begins to express himself, being with only the parents is not enough for him. In today's world, children are more curious and more open to learning. Preschool education is very important for the child to develop healthily and, most importantly, to become an independent individual. Many studies show that the child learns very quickly and effectively in the preschool period. The formation of a healthy interaction environment with appropriate physical and environmental conditions for the child helps him to achieve a faster and more successful development.
The Most Important Place for Child Development After the Family: Preschool Education
Preschool education is a platform consisting of students-teachers and parents. In kindergarten, where the child is separated from the mother for the first time, the healthier the bond between the child and the teacher, the more comfortable and secure the child feels. The child, who begins to feel safe, begins to socialize and then learn.
How should the preparation for kindergarten be carried out?
The first time they start school is as anxious for parents as it is for children. The more comfortable the family is, the healthier the child's transition process will be. It is very important that parents are comfortable and trust the school. Kindergarten will be the first place where the child moves away from home, where there is no family member next to him. We can call the transition period to the child's first adaptation to school. In this transition period, both the family and the school have a great duty in order for the child to get used to school safely and it is important for child psychology. In this process, the supportive approach of the family to the child will help him to get used to school easily. With the completion of the process of getting used to school, the child will begin to be an individual in the group and therefore to socialize. With this process, the child's learning process will begin. In this period when their perceptions are very clear, the child will begin to learn with the help of all kinds of stimuli. The learning process will accelerate with children's activities.
As a result, it has been proven by many researches that the gains gained in the preschool period of 0-6 years have a great place in the structuring of personality and learning. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to send the child to kindergarten in order to reveal the child's skills and contribute to learning during this period.
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