Recipes with peas for babies and children

Recipes with peas for babies and children

Peas are a vegetable that can be found fresh on the counters from spring until the end of summer. Peas are a nutritious food because they are rich in starch, fiber, antioxidants, carotene and vegetable protein. Peas are also superior to other similar foods in terms of vitamin C. For a healthy diet of the whole family, we offer you recipes with peas.

100 grams of this valuable vegetable with high nutritional value is about 80-90 calories. When you buy peas, it is useful to eat them without waiting, because as you wait, the sugar in them turns into starch and the flavor changes. Peas are a vegetable that is also very popular in Far Eastern countries and even roasted like the nuts in our country.

Recipes with peas

Pea puree 6 months and after


  • Half a teacup of peas (washed)
  • Half a small carrot (washed, peeled, sliced)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 homemade broth bouillon or 1-2 spoons of broth


  • Peas, carrots, broths and water are cooked together over medium heat. When the vegetables are well cooked, they are taken from the heat and crushed.

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