Movement-oriented activities are extremely important in the pre-school period, as they are important in every period of human life. Movement education, which is given in sequential steps for individual needs, is a complementary part of the pre-school period, where the mental and physical development of the individual is the fastest.

Industrialization, which comes with modern technology and develops rapidly in today's world, causes societies and individuals to exhibit a lifestyle away from movement. As a result of this lifestyle, especially in the pre-school period, the development of psychological and mental skills, especially socialization skills, is interrupted.

Movement education, the foundations of which are laid programmatically in the pre-school period, contribute to the formation of a strong skeletal and muscular structure as well as the healthy development of the cardiovascular system. In this way, the individual is minimally affected by the physical or mental problem situations that he may encounter during adolescence and adulthood. By knowing that moving is a part of the natural life cycle and taking precautions in the early period, healthier generations can be raised.

Basic Movement Training

As in academic education programs, a programming is made in movement education, taking into account the age and developmental characteristics of the individual. In this program, some practice-oriented studies are included under the headings of movements that require displacement, balancing and object control. All the studies carried out under the general heading of basic movement skills both contribute to the general vitality of the individual and lay the groundwork for the development of forward-looking sports knowledge and skills.

When action-oriented experiences are presented at the point of psycho-motor skill learning in the early period, information about physical competencies can be obtained. In the light of this information obtained; It can be ensured that the missing points are completed, the sportive branches that will be directed at later ages and most importantly, the individual becomes aware of his own limits.

Movement Training and Play

The education given is gamified in order to prevent the children from getting bored with the activities carried out and to increase their motivation in the activities related to the movement related to the younger age groups. At this point, the names of the movements to be performed and the steps of application can be made similar to animal-plant figures or fairy tale heroes in order to embody the work.

Movement training given with the game is important in terms of realizing permanent learning and enabling individuals to fully display their performance. Things to consider when gamifying the movements and making the process fun; taking into account individual differences, determining basic needs and eliminating a competitive application ground.



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